Monday, 21 April 2008

My Spanish Water Dogs

Hi there

My name is Diane and I am owned by 5 Spanish Water Dogs. My eldes is Lydia, she is 14 and the daughter of my first ever SWD who was Dilita de Ubrique at Canagua. I have Sp. Ch. Lastar de Ubrique who will be 10 in May 2008. There's also Lana who will be 8 in August, her son Anton who is 5 and her daughter Carmen who will be 3 in July and who is just about to give birth to pups any minute now!

I will post some pictures of my dogs and Carmen's pups as and when it happens.


jenny said...

Cant wait to see the puppy piccies...Hope that there is a lovely girl in the litter for you...


Diane said...

Thanks Jenny, you will be one of the first to know!

Going to have an early night, have a feeling that I'm going to get a 4.00 am call tonight!! Fingers crossed.